it was over before i got to enjoy it. before i could watch it in the news, it was over and done. McCain conceded before voters in the state of hawaii, who, due to the difference in the time zone, are the last to vote, could even pick up their pens and cast their ballots. spectators who were following the elections looked like perverts whose sexual enthusiasm went from a hard 10 inch dagger on the opening of the voting and then shrunk to a pruned sausage by the afternoon. some people just can't stop wanting to see more action. it was like a first round knock-out when everybody expected the contest to go the distance just like the two previous US presidential elections. the Bush-Gore rivalry went down-the-wire in 2000. Gore even ask for a recount in states where he thought his supporters' loyalty went all the way to the casting of ballots.
truly, what a difference a day make. Obama was an unknown black man selling lemonade on the streets of chicago one day and then the US president the next. imagine had Hillary won the Democratic nomination, she would have been the former wife of a cheating president then became the chief executive herself who's out to take revenge against her fatfaced man and do a ... monico... lewinsko. gross!?
and bill will be sleeping on the couch from the first night on.
you got to listen to some politicians in Manila who were said to be inspired by Obama's win that they too wanna run for the presidency in 2010. they kind of sound like low-level employees daydreaming of becoming the boss one day. good luck! see you when you get there.
you got the MMDA chairman insisting for the presidency or nothing. he has placed his posters everywhere including places where he has even no jurisdiction as MMDA chief. his name plastered over buses which plies even beyond metro manila routes. getting too excited are we? since he's at it already why don't he campaign in asg, milf infested areas. perhaps terrorists might be interested with his overly premature presidential campaign. that will give them something to discern about.
if he ever pursues the presidency, the MMDA chair's case would have been: "the one running after street vendors one day, the one who run a pointless campaign the next"
you have the makati mayor saying his friends have started calling him "joe-bama" for the unobscure reason of having the same skin tone with Obama and not for their reformist personality. it was said if he ever runs for president, just like Obama, he would pick somebody who has just the thing he lacks as a candidate for president to be his runningmate. so since he has dark features, he would have joker arroyo as his VP. since both advocate transparency in government, they would use the slogan "everything will be in black and white!"
the mayor's case could have been: "the dark one on the first day, the one who bought tons of whitening treatments on the next"
one youthful senator said Obama's win only proves that people want youth in a candidate. hence, he thinks he has a fighting chance.
he could become the: "the young turk one day, the other, err..., he finished a turkey"
ate vi is in a class of her own, when everybody wants to run for president, she has her eyes set on the vice-presidency and is going after the examples of gov. palin.
but since joe biden won, what's she gonna do now?
she could have become the: star for all seasons one day, and then the next day, since joe biden won, she was scared for a good reason"
2010 is still 1 and a half year away and they're all set for the royal rumble. in fact, just like Obama who has now put up his economic team, some presidentiables, too confident of their win in 2010 and not to be outdone by Obama, are now meeting with their respective economic advisers as well. this early! wooohooo!
untitled (mar 2011)
14 years ago
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