for a while there, bush look like a character in a video game dodging flying objects from everywhere. hey! now, there's an idea. someone should make a game out of it. a simple computer game that can be played on console or any other platform. the object of which should be to throw as much stuff as you can onto a dodging face of george w. bush. much like the chicken invaders. whether it be shoes, chairs, glasses or pies, you earn a point for every hit. on every level, the degree of difficulty should be the speed george w. bush dodges every hit. the higher the level, the faster bush dodges.
or it could also be any of our national and/or local politicians. with this game everybody will know how it feels to throw something at a politician. it will be a way for the people to vent their anger on their lying, fat-face leaders if they feel they voted for the wrong guy or shortchanged by the services the politicians rendered. it will be a sure hit!
the iraqi journalist who threw his shoes, one after the other, at the american president was immediately aprehended and brought to an undisclosed place where the security officers who held him berated the journalist for not hitting bush even once in those two throws.
"hoew could you missed him, you iddiot! i told everrybowdy to bring in our best thrrewerr. why didn't you listin to me? why did you stick with this pathitic feilure? now we doon't heave a chance anymorre!"
yeah, and the whole iraq is now dissapointed by those misses. they waited for it to happen. it's like in a basketball game where LA fans waited for kobe to score and he went: taking the ball, takes a good look at the hoop, he dribbles, drives, loses his guard, went past another, leaps, and then in a spectacular slow motion scoops the ball into the hoop while everybody stood still gazing at the amazing move and,... the ball slides around the rim, onto the other end and slips out. unbelievable!
and the whole iraq say "aaaw!"
but journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi set a record of sort. he's the only one who's done that to bush!. but that record is about to be broken as hundreds of disgruntled americans eager to get a shot at their president, who they now consider a lame duck, await his return. whoohoo!
"i'm a size 17, mr. president, here's my boot. let see if you can escape this!" (yeah!) "here's for messing up the economy!" (yeepee!) "and this one's for sarah palin!" (huh?!...)
missing by a shoe string! see how bush just laughed it off like it was a normal occurrence. like it happens every time he visits a foreign state (click the pic!)
imagine if filipinos were allowed to throw shoes at politicians. gma is in one of her lowest approval ratings in her term. gma, with her small build, should be a difficult target. but what if there are thousands who would want to fling their footwears at her? for all the injustices she has wrought. for all the resentment, the anger she's caused. a thousand shoes. that's only the first pairs. plus the other pairs. how can she ever escape?...
or it could also be any of our national and/or local politicians. with this game everybody will know how it feels to throw something at a politician. it will be a way for the people to vent their anger on their lying, fat-face leaders if they feel they voted for the wrong guy or shortchanged by the services the politicians rendered. it will be a sure hit!
the iraqi journalist who threw his shoes, one after the other, at the american president was immediately aprehended and brought to an undisclosed place where the security officers who held him berated the journalist for not hitting bush even once in those two throws.
"hoew could you missed him, you iddiot! i told everrybowdy to bring in our best thrrewerr. why didn't you listin to me? why did you stick with this pathitic feilure? now we doon't heave a chance anymorre!"
yeah, and the whole iraq is now dissapointed by those misses. they waited for it to happen. it's like in a basketball game where LA fans waited for kobe to score and he went: taking the ball, takes a good look at the hoop, he dribbles, drives, loses his guard, went past another, leaps, and then in a spectacular slow motion scoops the ball into the hoop while everybody stood still gazing at the amazing move and,... the ball slides around the rim, onto the other end and slips out. unbelievable!
and the whole iraq say "aaaw!"
but journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi set a record of sort. he's the only one who's done that to bush!. but that record is about to be broken as hundreds of disgruntled americans eager to get a shot at their president, who they now consider a lame duck, await his return. whoohoo!
"i'm a size 17, mr. president, here's my boot. let see if you can escape this!" (yeah!) "here's for messing up the economy!" (yeepee!) "and this one's for sarah palin!" (huh?!...)

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